Episode 262

Dark Arts and Memos (Merger)


January 1st, 2025

1 hr 5 mins 24 secs

Season 4

Your Host

About this Episode

Daniel plays a game of Merger by Michael Elliot. Deep in the macrocosmic horror of the corporate body, will Malia rise and free herself, or fall to corruption?

And yes, he gets some rules wrong.

Your cast:

Malia: Daniel


Theme music: Ninth World by Dave Sterling.

The Curtain Rises by Monument Studios

The Dining Room by Monument Studios

Manor Estate A by Monument Studios

Layers of Fear Piano by Monument Studios

Dystopian Intermission by Monument Studios

Dystopian Investigation by Monument Studios

Nightfall by Monument Studios

Aftermath by Monument Studios

Manor Estate B by Monument Studios

Outbreak Piano B by Monument Studios

Sacrifice by Monument Studios

Gathering by Monument Studios

Transmission by Monument Studios

Occult Forces by Monument Studios

Dystopian Guitars A by Monument Studios

Dystopian Guitars B by Monument Studios

Steep Line by Outland / via Audiio

The Haunting by Monument Studios

Additional sound effects and ambience by Krotos and Monument Studios.


Editing: Daniel
Transcription: Stace

Safety in Role-playing

It is essential that everyone playing in a game feels safe and is having fun. We've compiled a brief list of the safety tools we use here.

As always, see our standard disclaimer.

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