Sampson Davis

Co-Host of Explorers Wanted

Sampson haunts the streets of Ames, IA, currently in pursuit of a PhD and coffee.

He plays Ilsene Vite, a Stealthy Jack Who Controls Gravity, and Dili, an Intelligent Wright who Crafts Illusions.

Ilsene in joyous motion with billowing cloak and thieve's gear. Her hair poking out of her hood above her face which highlights the her green eyes and matching vitiligo against her dark skin.

Dili - a short dark-haired man in ragged brown adventuring clothes with goggles pulled up to his brow walks towards the camera. His dark green eyes look distracted and strange colored shapes are floating in the air above his head. His hands appear scarred by previous injuries and a wrench is holstered at his waist.

You can also identify Sampson by his frequent cursing at his bullshit interesting role playing opportunity giving dice rolls.

Character art by @kisunuki.

Sampson Davis has hosted 217 Episodes.