Explorers Wanted

A weekly Numenera Actual Play podcast about exploration, intrigue, and friendship.

About the show

We are a weekly actual play podcast using the Numenera Discovery and Destiny rules. Set one billion years in the future, we journey across the Ninth World. There have been eight worlds before this, where civilizations rose to intergalactic heights only to fall into ashes, leaving a world of strange relics behind them. Join our ragtag crew of messy adventurers as they navigate weird ruins, contend with criminal intrigue, and ignore their own better judgment... Repeatedly.

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Campaign Two: Hearts in Orbit

Three figures, from left: Ezri stands stolidly in armor with brown hair covering half of her face (the unscarred part) holding a large clawed sledgehammer. Ilsene in joyous motion with billowing cloak and thieve's gear. Her hair poking out of her hood above her face which highlights the her green eyes and matching vitiligo against her dark skin. Magpie looking playful in earthtones that align with her light brown hair, pulled back and curled tresses falling on either side of her face, wearing a sisk at her side. All three carry gas masks at their belts.

Campaign One: Night's Hope

Our cast of three explorers from campaign one walking towards camera.. From left to right: Nix - a warrior woman with green hair and serpent fangs cracks her knuckles and smiles. Her left leg is a metal prosthetic with jade green seams. Dili - a short dark haired man with dark green eyes looks distractedly past his pushed up goggles at multi-colored shapes floating above his head. ChaCha - An even shorter fair-skinned woman with blonde hair stares strangely forward with blue eyes. She has extended her left arm flourishing out her bright red hooded cloak to reveal the short-legged lime-green romper she wears beneath.

Character art by @kisunuki.

Explorers Wanted on social media


  • Episode 228: Light on Details

    May 8th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  46 mins 41 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    Ezri impresses with her detailed plans, while Magpie and Ilsene do a little scouting.

  • Episode 229: Bombing the Barracks

    May 15th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  1 hr 1 min
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    The crew makes their final plans and preparations and then launch their assault on the barracks.

  • Episode 230: Conflict in Blue

    May 22nd, 2024  |  Season 4  |  42 mins 34 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    The crew faces off with Smurfhotep!

  • Episode 231: Old wives' tales with a side of petty theft

    May 29th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  48 mins 47 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    Lying low after the barracks incident, the crew splits up while they await word from Emory.

  • Episode 232: Ezri's No Good Bad Day

    June 5th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  53 mins 53 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    With the ghoul's arrival at Rosita's, Ezri's life grows more uncertain.

  • Episode 233: Research as Regulation

    June 13th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  1 hr 2 mins
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    Ilsene seeks out future thrills while Ezri and Magpie negotiate for everyone's lives.

  • Episode 234: Fringe Benefits

    June 19th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  56 mins 32 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    The crew regroups for more surgery and shenanigans.

  • Episode 235: You, Me, and Smurfhotep on the Stairs

    June 26th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  53 mins 9 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    The crew faces off with Smurfhotep on the ledge of the cliff face.

  • Episode 236: Let's Do the Time Skip Again

    July 3rd, 2024  |  Season 4  |  44 mins 18 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    In the aftermath of their encounter with Smurfhotep, the crew lays the groundwork for some upcoming projects.

  • Episode 237: Only the Best Tapestries

    July 10th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  55 mins 30 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    An art show, criminal dealings, and a visit with old friends.

  • Episode 238: The Hunt for the Missing Teen

    July 17th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  56 mins 10 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    The crew sets out to find Yasmine, and instead encounters an old friend.

  • Episode 239: Room Service

    July 24th, 2024  |  Season 4  |  50 mins 11 secs
    actual play, numenera, rpg

    After Ezri's victory, the crew regroups to plan for the future.